In a world where advice is fee driven and where simple advice can be very expensive at Morton Montrose we are changing the approach to supply commercial and legal advice.
Our key ambition is to provide non fee generating commercial and legal adjudication advice to small and medium sized companies.
The objective to protect your business at the front end and secure payment or debts at the back end of a commercial transaction, an approach that allows protection of your business and gives confidence that your business will be paid its entitlement.
With Morton Montrose you will be sure you have a trusted partner on your side.
Our team are both technically and professionally qualified, with backgrounds in debt collection, quantity surveying, contract, construction, adjudication and arbitration law, ensuring the best skills are used to provide efficiency in dealing with your enquiry.
The benefits of adjudication are not lost on Morton Montrose, efficiency; cost effective, delivery and enforcement are just some of the watch words that can be used to describe how effective this method of securing debt and resolving disputes can be.
“If we never do anything which has not been done before, we shall never get anywhere. The law will stand still while the rest of the world goes on, and that will be bad for both” Lord Denning
Please get in touch today for a FREE no obligation consultation. We would love to hear from you.